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08 What is positive impact marketing?

Positive impact marketing is a contemporary communications strategy that Causes can use to reach and touch the increasingly well-informed 21st Century public.


This strategy builds communication campaigns around core ‘positive impact’ messages that highlight the effectiveness and success of a Cause, rather than having a core message about the needs of the community they serve.



Why change from a focus on Need to a focus on Positive Impact?


It is used to be important for non profit organisations to highlight the needs of the communities they serve above all else in their public communication campaigns.  In this way, they raised important awareness of what was actually going on, and made a strong emotional appeal for the public to support their work.


Things have changed in the Information Age, and one of the most striking changes is that the public is far more aware of the needs of people, communities and the environment right across the world.  A downside of exposure to so much information is that many people feel bombarded with bad news.  To protect themselves from everything that is ‘wrong’ in the world and all that needs to be fixed, they use pessimism and cynicism to emotionally disconnect.  Therefore communication campaigns that are built around a core ‘need’ message have become far less effective in the quest to gain public support for a Cause’s work.



Turning a negative into a positive…


The good news about your positive impact is inspiring.  It shows people that it is possible to make a good difference, and this may motivate them to get involved and offer you support.  When your positive impact is the core message of your communications campaign you offer people the chance to be part of something that is hopeful and effective – an antidote to today’s climate of cynicism.


In a positive impact message the need that your organisation addresses is just the background context that showcases your positive impact. 


For example, if your organisation feeds hungry children, the core message is that your organisation provides food for 3000 hungry children every day, making a significant impact in the context of there being an estimated 1.5 million South African children suffering from malnutrition.  To illustrate this visually you would choose to take a picture of a child eating the food you provide, rather than using a picture of a starving child.


Are you positive?

Be conscious of your organisation’s messages – both written and spoken.  Discuss the positive impact marketing strategy within your organisation and determine the core positive impact messages that you can communicate.


Ways that you can use the positive impact marketing strategy through GreaterGood South Africa:


  • Send us regular Cause Features – these are short articles and relevant photographs that communicate recent successes in your organisation.  Positive Cause Features are rotated on the homepage increasing your presence on the website
  • Apply to the Giving Exchange and design your exhibition stand, leaflets and interactions with the public to communicate your positive impact.



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