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Welcome to Greater Good SA!
We showcase the inspiring work of bona fide non profit organisations (NPOs), community based organisations (CBOs) and educators working for the greater good of all South Africa.
You can start by browsing, searching and choosing our Causes, Wishes and Dreams.

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Do It Day
What is Do It Day?
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Giving Exchange
01 What is the Giving Exchange?
02 How does the Giving Exchange work?
03 How the voting system works
04 What happens after voting?
05 Why giving is not just about money
Need Help with your Giving Exchange Application?
01 What is the Giving Exchange?
02 How does the application process work?
03 Why giving is not just about money
04 What is a Cause Wishlist?
05 What kind of volunteer skills and time can my organisation request?
06 What is Do It Day?
07 How do I prepare a Do It Day proposal?
08 What is positive impact marketing?
01. Shopping Basket functionality
02. Product Sales
03. Order Enquiries
04. Stock Availability
05. Product Colours
06. Pricing Policy
07. Payment
08. Confirmation of Orders
09. Cancellation Policy
10. Delivery Policy
11. Returns Policy
12. Risk and Ownership
Teachers Dream Help for Dream-Makers
01 About Teachers Dream
02 Become a Dream-Maker
Teachers Dream Help for Educators
01 About Teachers Dream
02 How can you use Teachers Dream?
03 How does it work for educators?
04 Who can submit a proposal?
05 What qualifies as a Teachers Dream?
06 What can I ask for?
07 How much should my dream cost?
08 The proposal format
09 The importance of your proposal
10 Terms and conditions
What are you good for
What are you good for?
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