Our Causes / Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa - Western Cape (WESSA) / WESSA Wishlist
WESSA Wishlist
Cause: Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa - Western Cape (WESSA)
Approximate Total Cost: R 10000.00
Our mission is to promote public participation in caring for the earth. Believing that all human activity and life in general depends on the integrity of the earth's ecosystems we strive to reduce the threats to sustainability by encouraging people to be critically aware of the links between decision making and the environment as well as the importance of their involvement irrespective of their position in society. We set out to achieve our mission through education, advocacy and exemplary action projects that show the benefits to people and the environment.
Stuff We Need
Borehole pump and piping to replace older system.
A new borehole pump and piping is needed to replace older system While WESSA Western Cape is frugal in its use of water, cutting down on the use of municipal water will save on costs.
Computer - R 6000.00
Computers have a limited time span and some of the computers used by WESSA Western Cape staff members are old, slow and unreliable.  This will assist in improving the effectiveness of staff members by providing new computers
CorelDraw - R 3600.00
CorelDraw is a design package will aid in the design of posters, brochures and educational material to promote caring for the Earth. Assist WESSA staff members in promoting public participation and caring for the Earth
Filing cabinet(s) - R 1000.00
WESSA Western Cape collects and collates various sources of information regarding environmental projects.  The WESSA Western Cape staff members would appreciate any assistance regarding additional filing cabinets or shelves
Laptop - R 7000.00
WESSA Western Cape staff members are often out in the field. Assist in improving the effectiveness of staff members by providing a laptop. A laptop will assist staff members to compile reports and confirm data while in the field
Office Chair - R 800.00
WESSA Western Cape is a growing NGO and additional office equipment is often needed.
Portable display stands able to hold A1 posters - R 1000.00

Portable display equipment is needed to assist in the training and educational activities of WESSA Western Cape . Effective displays and signage assist in promoting environmental awareness and public participation during training and awareness campaigns.
Radio System - R 600.00
WESSA Western Cape staff members would like to have the opportunity to work and listen to current debates and newsworthy environmental talks, especially those that encourage participation.  WESSA staff members can continue with encouraging active participation and promotion of public awareness around current environmental issues.
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I'm Good for Something!
If you want to make a material contribution to this cause, explore these items:
Borehole pump and piping to replace older system.
Filing cabinet(s)
Office Chair
Portable display stands able to hold A1 posters
Radio System
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