Our Causes / Abraham Kriel Maria Kloppers Children's Home / Childrens' Clothing / Homecare products
Childrens' Clothing / Homecare products
Cause: Abraham Kriel Maria Kloppers Children's Home
Province: Gauteng
Her name is Sarah (pseudonym) and she is 17 years old.  Recently she attended a course in first-aid through the school she attends.
At the children’s home we have a “Dream Box” where kids can express their personal wishes.  Most of these would be for a CD player or a bicycle or a Barbie doll.  We make no promises, but whenever an appropriate gift comes the way of the home, we will keep in mind the child who asked for it.
Sarah, however was fascinated by her course in first-aid and now her wish is to have a first-aid kit.  We are very proud of her for the maturity she shows in what she wishes for so we would like to take a little more trouble in ensuring that her dream comes true.  Bit by bit we are filling up a suitable container and one of these days we will give her, her first-aid kit.
Every child is different and every dream is different.  It is good to know that even children in children’s homes can realise their dreams.
Stuff We Need
All Second Hand Clothing (children's)
What the children cannot use will be sold to poor people from the surrounding community, which helps them to survive.
Baby products, specifically formula milk: NAN 1
At the Maria Kloppers Children’s Haven we have 15 babies on average.  Most of them are tiny and very often not very strong.  We can only use NAN 1 to feed them, especially when they are sick.
Childrens clothing, especially for boys between the ages 6 13
Boys between the ages of 6 and 13 are hardwearing on their clothes.  By the time they have outgrown them, they are often only good for rags.  The children in all our programmes rely on second hand clothing for most of their needs.  Unfortunately we get very little for boys in this age group.  They themselves are boys who will be boys and their clothes get battered accordingly.  When cleaning out your cupboards, please keep this group in mind in particular.
Cleaning Materials
Products to help keep the children’s environment, healthy, clean and fresh.
Educational toys for all ages
Children develop in relation to the stimulation they receive.  At the Johanna Malan Early Childhood Development Centre, they receive quite a lot of stimulation.  They have a range of educational toys and creative corners.  But then some of them go home to a children’s home or another disadvantaged environment, where attention and material goods are in equally short supply.
Food that we would like to get
Breakfast Cereal
Spreads for sandwiches
Household goods
Especially big pots, pans and dishes:

Cooking for a household of between 15 – 20 people on a daily basis can be quite a challenge.  The right utensils make a big difference.  When we receive goods that are too small for the big households in our residential care facilities, we can always distribute it to the struggling households of Aids orphans, where older siblings take on responsibility for entire  families.
New underwear for children of all ages
Every child needs underwear that only they have ever worn.
Pyjama's - all seasons and all ages
Pyjamas are a luxury.  Very few things can make a young girl feel as special as pretty pyjamas.  Imagine the extravagance of having a gown and slippers.  This is not an essential item, when you can sleep in an old T-shirt in summer or a tatty tracksuit in winter.  It remains a very positive way of spoiling a child a little.
School Stationery
Children at school need all kinds of pens, colouring pencils, rulers, examination pads, glue sticks, calculators and every other type of stationery.  This is very costly in any household. Imagine the cost if you have to provide for 200 school going children.
Sporting equipment for children eg. Rugby togs in good condition.
A number of children in our children’s home excel in sport.  Through sport they can get access to opportunities that they otherwise would not have.
Good grooming is important to the self image of every person.  In their teenage years, our kids are particularly vulnerable in this regard.  They want to look and feel “cool”.  It is often skin products in particular that they need and that can make all the difference
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If you want to make a material contribution to this cause, explore these items:
All Second Hand Clothing (children's)
Baby products, specifically formula milk: NAN 1
Childrens clothing, especially for boys between the ages 6 13
Cleaning Materials
Educational toys for all ages
Food that we would like to get
Household goods
New underwear for children of all ages
Pyjama's - all seasons and all ages
School Stationery
Sporting equipment for children eg. Rugby togs in good condition.
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